*Randy Orton vs. Big Show

Show scoops Orton but Orton slides out and shoves him into the ring post. Show blocks a RKO on the floor and nails a big spear. Both men are counted out.
Winner: DOUBLE C/O

- After the match, Show brings Orton back in the ring. Show goes for the knockout punch but Orton ducks and lays him out with the RKO.

- We get a look back at RAW 1000 where Triple H and Lesnar brawled. Both men are in the building tonight, the announcers hype. Also still to come, Shawn Michaels will appear live.

*Ryback vs. Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins

Ryback dumps Hawkins out to the floor on top of Reks. Hawkins comes back in and gets dropped on his back. Ryback nails the huge clothesline on Hawkins and then the Shellshocked for the win.
Winner: Ryback

*Primo and Epico vs. Titus O’Neil and Darren Young

Kofi Kingston’s music hits and outhe comes with partner R-Truth. Primo and Epico take advantage and bring the fight back to the ring. Epico with a Backstabber on Young for the win.
Winners: Primo and Epico

- We get a look back at RAW 1000 where DX laid out Damien Sandow. We see footage from last week where Sandow took out his frustrations on Brodus Clay. Sandow is walking backstage when Josh Mathews asks for comment about last week. Sandow says he’s obligated to rid WWE of all foolishness. Sandow vs. Clay is next.

*Brodus Clay vs. Damien Sandow

Clay dances on the stage but is attacked from behind by Damien Sandow. Sandow beats Clay off the ramp and to the side of the stage.

- AJ is backstage in deep thought. The camera pans and we see Daniel Bryan sitting there. She says he has definite anger management issues, despite what the shrink said last week. Bryan says he’s calm now and agrees with her decision to face Cena tonight. Bryan wants the SummerSlam match changed to a Fatal 4 Way. She says he already has a SummerSlam match against Kane. Bryan gets up and yells no while AJ responds with a yes. Bryan storms off and we go back to commercial.

*Kelly Kelly vs. Eve Torres

Eve takes Kelly to the mat with a headlock now. Kelly makes another comeback and this time gets the win.
Winner: Kelly Kelly

- Back from commercial and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels to a big pop from the hometown crowd.

Shawn thanks the fans for allowing him to be part of history once again – RAW 1000. He talks about the DX reunion, calling it priceless. Shawn says he’s just fine on his ranch but when he heard RAW was coming to San Antonio, there was no way he could miss it. Shawn says the more things change, the more they stay the same. He talks about new faces backstage but the one thing that’s the same is the talk. Shawn says everyone is talking about the confrontation at SummerSlam between Triple H and Brock Lesnar. Lesnar’s music interrupts and out he comes with Paul Heyman.

Heyman takes the mic and says everyone wants to know Shawn’s opinion of the match. Heyman calls Shawn the greatest in-ring entertainer in WWE history. Heyman says Lesnar isn’t going to SummerSlam as an entertainer. He’s not going to entertain with Triple H. Brock doesn’t care about entertaining. Lesnar is going to SummerSlam to fight Triple H and to prove once again that he’s the baddest dude on the planet today, Heyman says. The crowd chants for HBK.

Shawn says he’s not here to dispute the attributes of Lesnar. Heyman chimes in but Shawn tells him not to put words in his mouth. Shawn says Triple H is acting like someone he doesn’t even know anymore. Shawn says on this day, he’s going with Triple H as the winner and he believes that so much he wants to be there and see it personally. Shawn announces he will be in Triple H’s corner at SummerSlam to watch Triple H defeat Brock Lesnar. Heyman tells Lesnar that’s the big announcement that they will replay when they look back at Triple H’s career. Heyman says it’s bad enough that Triple H’s wife and kids have to witness what Lesnar is going to do. Lesnar cuts Heyman off and takes the mic. Lesnar says the only reason Shawn thinks Triple H will win is because he’s never been in the ring with him. Until now. Lesnar drops the mic and approaches Shawn. Triple H’s music hits and out he comes ready to fight.

Heyman moves to the apron as Lesnar gets ready to fight. Triple H stands beside Shawn and also gets ready. Lesnar laughs and takes the mic. He points at Triple H and tells him he will see him at SummerSlam. Lesnar points at Shawn next and says he will see him before then. Lesnar leaves the ring with Heyman as Triple H and HBK look on. The crowd chants “you suck” as Lesnar smiles back at the ring. Awesome segment.

- We get another look back at Sheamus taking Del Rio’s Ferrari earlier tonight. Cole shows us a Tout video from Sheamus where he’s out enjoying Del Rio’s car around San Antonio.

*Dolph Ziggler vs. Alex Riley

Chris Jericho joins commentary and he’s wearing a Ziggler t-shirt. Ziggler keeps control and taunts Jericho at ringside. Riley makes a comeback but gets dropkicked. Ziggler with a 2 count. They go on with more back and forth action. The end comes when Riley rolls him up for the upset.
Winner: Alex Riley

- After the match, Jericho films a Tout video at ringside and taunts Ziggler. Cole gets a tweet from AJ Lee that announces Kane vs. The Miz for tonight.

- Back from the break and we get another Tout video from Sheamus with Del Rio’s Ferrari. Apparently he got a ticket.

*Kane vs. The Miz

Miz goes for Skull Crushing Finale but Kane blocks it. Kane drops Miz in the corner on his face and nails the chokeslam for the win.
Winner: Kane

- Back from the break and Sheamus has pulled up with the Ferrari and it’s trashed.

- We see Del Rio and Ricardo backstage finding the trashed Ferrari. Del Rio blames it on Ricardo and leaves him to clean the mess up.

- The Highlight Reel is announced for SmackDown. Chris Jericho’s guests will be Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero. John Cena’s music hits and out he comes.

*Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena

Cena locks in the STF out of nowhere but Bryan breaks it and goes for the No Lock but can’t get it. Cena powers Bryan up and slams him with the AA for the win.
Winner: John Cena

- After the match, CM Punk’s music hits and out comes the WWE Champion. Punk hits the ring where Cena waits. Punk holds up the WWE Title. Cena points at it and here comes Big Show. Cena sees him first and pushes Punk out of the way. Cena goes at it with Show and blocks a chokeslam. Cena scoops Show for an AA but Punk gets up and knocks them both over. Cena grabs a headset on commentary and says maybe it’s his fault that people have disrespected him because he let them. Punk says he’s been smiling, kissing babies and making people happy but from here on out, he does what he does best. RAW ends the same way the last two did, the WWE Champion standing tall and proving that he’s the best wrestler in the world, Punk declares. Punk goes back in the ring and tries to kick Big Show but Show lays him out with a knockout punch. Cena gets up and Show knocks him out also. Show gets hype and raises the WWE Title. Show’s music hits as he puts the belt over his shoulder and we go to replays. RAW goes off the air with Show holding the WWE Title up high.


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